Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Detox Morning Juice

Some tips that I have collected over the years through personal studies, friends and or health nuts for juicing are quite valuable. For example, did you know that the best time to drink a glass of fresh juice is early in the morning, when your body is ready to absorb the most nutrients? It's also best to juice mostly vegetables. Use vegetables with a low sugar content so they will not cause spikes in your blood sugar as too much sugar can lead to a Candida overgrowth in your stomach which can be quite disastrous for your daily well being. Some symptoms of Candida overgrowth are: fatigue even after a full night's sleep, yearning for caffeine as an energy booster, yeast infections, irritability, gas, constipation, bloating and acid reflux amongst others.


5 medium sized carrots (do not peel) 
2 medium sized whole beets
1/2 green apple
some ginger with skin
small piece of raw turmeric root

Do not eat or drink anything for 45 minutes after drinking this juice for it to benefit your system. Ginger, turmeric and beet are known to be blood purifiers. Carrots contain a pigment called carotenoid which has hundreds if not thousands of phytonutrients with cancer fighting properties. These roots and vegetables are full of fiber which remove impacted wastes from the lining of the colon and allow for the maximum absorption of nutrients. 

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