Wednesday, 15 April 2009

The Greenhouse Effect

The idea of growing vegetables, flowers, fruits and different plants under environmentally controlled areas has existed for centuries. If you have the adequate space and an uncontrollable appetite for certain vegetables and fruits all year round then you must build yourself a greenhouse. There are usually two types: one is made with glass and uses all sorts of high tech methods to aid in the production of fruits and vegetables while the more cost effective plastic greenhouses are generally more popular and are made with PE film and multiwall sheets in Poly Carbonate or Acrylic Glass. Building a greenhouse does not need to be expensive or time-consuming (depending on your budget). The final choice of the type of greenhouse will depend on the growing space desired, home architecture, available sites, and costs. The greenhouse must, however, provide the proper environment for growing plants.

This Tuesday afternoon we went into a shared greenhouse a few miles away from the cottage, and picked fresh kale for a white bean soup and the greenest and juiciest greens for our salad. In case you haven't tasted freshly picked kale then I assure you that you have not tasted a bit of heaven.

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